hi guys been a while! Hope everyones been living life to the max and enjoying themselves!
This is just a little blog post about what I've been getting up to/ update witI' regards to the website, my self and the direction of this all. 📸
Let's start with what I've been up to the last few months, I've been a little lacklustre on the photography front lately, with work and other priorities taking up more of my time. I did manage to take a few shots while out and about, which you can see on my website. Most recently the Bideford AFC game down the Sports ground ⚽️
I've added a few new pieces of equipment recently, including a tripod and a new lens. Pretty happy with the tripod as i know I'll use something like this in the future. For the people who want to know the make it is a K&F concept 62"/160cm camera tripod. I had a mono pole before but i didn't always want to hold the camera all the time (because I'm lazy😂) Had the upgrade lens that i did a blog about a few months ago and have really got a custom to how to best use and utilise for the best shots and I'm really loving the shots I'm getting; it was definitely a purchase I don't regret! Also updated my logo and I'm more than happy with
how the outcome of it.
Made a few changes to the home studio setup this being how I have the white back drop. Before i had to have two tripods stands that would hold a pole horizontal to let me then dangle the sheet down for a back drop. This caused a lot of room to be used up as I actually haven't got a big bedroom at all 😭 instead I've nailed the sheet up to the wall thus removing the need for the extra tripods and stands meaning I have more room to utilise with things like the lighting and positioning off the board, plus it allows more room so everything doesn't feel so cramped. Another benefit i found by doing it this way is that I didn't have to steam or iron the back drop to get rid of any creases anymore 😂 (some much more relief than it sounds)
Now we are caught up a little to where i am i think I'll share with you where I'm going! Since I've started this journey I've always had the thought to eventually start accepting commissions and getting paid for my work and make this another job/source of income. Currently to me this is just a hobby and I'm lucky enough to have two income's to allow me to fund this (way more expensive than I thought💀) and keep it a hobby for the mean time. Personally I'm not at that professional level or confidence to do commissions but I think with more time and practice I'll be getting there in no time!
Personally I wish I had the drive to post a lot more than I do. I know in my self when the better weather comes there will be so much more going on in and around my page I won't know what to do with my self😂. I prefer summer photography and can't stand winter photography, as you can probably tell from the content on my website and Instagram.
Here's some personals goals I'm looking at currently.
Post more on socials (Facebook/Instagram) Once or twice a week.
Blog more frequently and keep you guys in the loop.
Work on my portrait photography try to push myself more.
Use my home studio more than once a month or two.
So yeah thats where I'm currently at! sorry if i went on and on and on but I don't when the next blog post may be so thought I'd cram it all in here 😂 Also want to say thanks you for all the support I've gotten really does help and push me to make better content ❤️