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How things are looking!


Hi guys hope you all had a great summer recently!

I know I haven't posted a lot in recent times but I've been little pre occupied with a couple things work/life. Thought id come on here and give you guys a little update of how things are looking so far, we recently hit 119 unique views which is crazy! I didn't think id be able to reach 100 that quick, we have also added some more to the portrait secant of the website which was a project about all the adventures I have been on so far in my life.

Had a look at some more lenses today and I I think im going to go for the 70mm range as I want a better zoom.

My second diffuser light came today so now I can start setting up a place where I can do e-commerce photo and self portraits and what not. Pretty excited about that because that's a type of Photography that I wanted to do when I first got my camera but I never really had the rest of the equipment to go with it! Will update you with a picture in the next blog!

Recently did another photo shoot for Against all odds this time we were based I Exeter. The shoot wasn't too bad the location just didn't really give of what we really wanted to get out but still got some great shot none the less. This will be going up soon on the portfolio page soon so keep your eyes peeled!

That's about it at the moment, the weathers been pretty shocking so haven't been able to capture much recently but hopefully I can soon as I haven't done many on a while.

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